Saturday, May 18, 2013

Loneliness: Gateway to freedom and deeper understanding of your divinity

Loneliness instead of being a negative emotion can be explored and bring you closer to the Creator, maybe even closer than the experience of love.

The Creator (our divine -self aware true self) as the animator of existence and the only true thing, (who most importantly has knowledge of this fact), would experience loneliness possibly even more than love.

In examining the feeling of loneliness a deeper understanding of our true nature; of our reason for existing as we are now (individual, blocked from seeing our true nature) can be grasped. A connection that produces an up-welling of compassion for the Creator (who of course is ourselves but existing outside of the existence).

So in writing this post I wish to reach out to all who feel loneliness, all who might mistakenly believe that the reasons they are lonely was their fault (lack of friends, social skills etc.) and realise that the loneliness they feel is a rich experience tool that can guide you toward understanding of the one true self and your own self-perceptions.  

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