Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Amethyst Heart of the Crystal City

In meditation I was lead to a enormous amethyst that I feel lays within Telos (I don't agree with this name of the crystal city within Mt Shasta but until I know its real name I will call it thus.)

'Telos' is the crystal city that exists on a higher dimension which uses the power vortex of Mt Shasta to manifest its energies here on earth.

This Amethyst heart of Telos is mother energy and it is this energy that is giving me the strength and courage to change the current paradigm.

The Amethyst heart would like you all to connect with her and help anchor its frequency here on earth.

Telos is the place where Lemurians come from and to all that here this call, you would have already felt the pull of the crystal city.

Close your eyes, let the universe guide you and you will find the crystal city.

I gift you all with keys of light.

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