Saturday, August 6, 2011

Substances – the altered frequency and power stealers.

Being a spiritual person I find this world very hard to live in. It doesn't work and religion forces you to give away your power. So for those of us like you and I there are precious few places we can find comfort.

One place I find comfort is wine.

I drink it to calm me and to feel happy. The thing is it's a false happiness.

Wine itself doesn't lower my frequency, but it skewers my judgement and steals my balance.

Alcohol prevents the beings on the higher planes communing with you.

Regret and self doubt lower your frequency

Weed does not suppress your frequency.

What weed does, is it builds your a false ladder to the higher realms and when you don't take weed you lose the ladder.

You must find how to raise your frequency so that the higher realms can help you. But you must do it yourself. Don't let substances steal your power.

All who read this will conquer their demons

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